[Electronic Punks] [Evolution]

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Here is the video listing of ELECTRONIC PUNKS:

You can see the videos .RM with Real Player .
These videos are the copyright of Prodigy. If you download a file, you will be allowed to keep it on your harddisk for 24 hours, but then you’ll have to either delete it or buy an official Prodigy cassette that contains it

We Eat Rhythm (Jungle Mix)

Short snippet during copyright notice

Keith in his kitchen, 'booming'

Stupid footage

Intro snippet

Opening titles

Voodoo people:
Directed by Walter Stern - Produced by Russel Curtis

Break and Enter at Leeds Town and Country club soundcheck


Rock And Roll


Keith on a ski-lift 'looking natural'

Stupid footage

Leeroy in St Lucia, making Voodoo People video, laughing evilly as Baran Samedi

Stupid footage

Out of space:
Directed by Russel Curtis - Produced by Emma Davis

Keith in his house, doing an impression of 'Artie Fufkin of Polymer records' (Spinal Tap!)

Stupid footage

Snippet of Maxim during Skylined


Keith guring during making of Poison video, with Liam looking on

Stupid footage

Break And Enter 95


Keith in St Lucia, making Voodoo People video, in his 'hotel'-like suitcase

Stupid footage

One love:
Directed by Hyperbolic Systems - Produced by Hyperbolic Systems

Leeroy on tour bus, being king of kung-fu

Stupid footage

Keith in St Lucia, making Voodoo People video, in his 'hotel', moaning about Leeroy

Stupid footage

Their Law


Wind It Up (The Rewound Edit)

Directed by Russel Curtis - Produced by Emma Davis.

Shot in America, with Keith drowning on the beach and attacking a
Christmas tree. Biiiiig waves. Did you know that Keith actually got a
really big wave over him self up on the rocks. That's why he falls all
the time in a scene.
This became the last one of the typical fast moving dance videos
for the Prodigy. It was shot on location in Los Angeles, USA during two days of
the band's American tour. The scene is switched from the streets of LA to Venice
Beach and Death Valley. For the shoot, the band just drove around LA and stopped
off when they saw something that would look good n the video. These stops ranged
from Keith attacking a Christmas tree to him standing on rocks at the beach while
waves break over his back! For some reason people think he's only been mad since
he got that haircut...

Leeroy, making Poison video, under strobelights

Stupid footage

The band, in a New York car park with some aliens

Stupid footage

Keith calling at a prostitute in New York

Stupid footage

Keith and Leeroy announcing to NY cab driver that they are from Australia

Stupid footage

In the New York car park, zooming in on aliens, with acapella Twilight Zone theme music added by the band

Stupid footage

Voodoo People


Keith on ski-lift, grinning

Stupid footage

Snippet of Maxim


Poison (95 eq)

Directed by Walter Stern - Produced by John Payne.

Maxim stands at the front singing, Leeroy dances, and Liam plays the
drums, and then decides to kill Keith after he (Keith) have breaked
Liams drums. Shot in some basement with lots of mud on the floor.
The video was shot in a dark, dank, mud-infested underground room.
The video shows Keeti, complete with shades and cat's eyes, on the
microphone screaming to the song, while Liam is on drums in the background.
Leeroy stands around looking cool, while Keith jumps around in an effort
to start a fight with someone. Eventually, Liam gets pissed off with him
and jumps over the drum kit and starts to stab Keith in the chest with
the branch from a tree. Loads of blue gunge starts spewing out of Keith's
mouth, and in the television versions, all this harmless satanic fun is

Making of Out Of Space, Keith walks away, as Leeroy is 'hanging sweet' with XL man Nick Halkes

Stupid footage

The band walking to the stage


No Good (Start The Dance)


Keith - "You don't know the buzz I get out of this!" making Out Of Space video

Stupid footage

Maxim - "Let's do this shit!" in St Lucia, making Voodoo People video

Stupid footage

Charly (Alley Cat 7" Edit)

Directed by Russel Curtis - Produced by Jill Mumford

Featuring those costumes and the animated cat. Much dancing and
blinking lights.
The video for Charly was a timepiece. It was a typical rave video.
The video is a sequence of fast moving, colourful shots of the band at
a few live events. The video is so old you can still see Sharky in a
few of the shots! (Sharky was a very early member of the band who left
so she could go clubbing! However, no acrimony was involved and she is
still good friends with the band today).

Leeroy with his "sweet sweet wheels" in the making of Out Of Space video

Stupid footage

Keith in St Lucia, making Voodoo People video, advertising the benefits of Mighty Foam detergent!

Stupid footage

Leeroy in Keith's house talking about performing live

Stupid footage

Snippet of Maxim during Out Of Space


Keith and mate 'Blowey' during making of Out Of Space video - 'the brothers of rave' - "I can't drive nowhere!"

Stupid footage



Walter Stern and Liam in St Lucia, making Voodoo People video

Stupid footage

Liam and Keith in Liam's house, talking about small gigs, from MTV Europe news

TV interview

'Now Hear This'


Everybody In The Place (Fairground Edit)

Directed by Russel Curtis - Produced by Claire Ruson

Shot in New York, with much dancing and some stupid doll.
The video is set in the streets of New York in the USA. The band were
almost going to shoot the video inside a semi-demolished building, but
were turned down because of safety reasons. Nonetheless, the video was
a typical dance video which suited their image well at the time. It
consists of fast, colourful shots of the band dancing around New York
like lunatics, and being chased around by the police in the end.

Keith in his house, going mad

Stupid footage

Making of Out Of Space in the outdoor 'editing suite' - "nice concertina effect"

Stupid footage

Snippet of Maxim during Rhythm Of Life


Making of Voodoo People in St Lucia - Leeroy laughing as Keith gets enclosed in the suitcase

Stupid footage

Rhythm Of Life


Keith on a ski-lift, playing the part of a Murphy's bitter stereotype

Stupid footage

No good [start the dance]:

Directed by Walter Stern - Produced by John Payne

Black and white video where The prodigy wandering through a rave-party
in a basement. Liam breaks a wall, Keith gets mad and trapped in a
glass-box and maxim sits on a couch.
Previously, the band's videos were typical fast-moving shots of them
jumping around, with no real representation of who the band are, or what
they are about. The video to No Good (Start the Dance) changed all that.
The video was shot in a disused underground warehouse, where a small party
is taking place. The band split up and go about their own thing, doing
whatever suits them best. Keith builds himself up into a frenzy, and is
carted off in a straightjacket, and then locked in a glass box full of
some very strange smoke created by a brown sticky substance. Leeroy heads
off into a room on his own and starts a dance frenzy and Liam smashes up a
brick wall with a sledgehammer, while Maxim, complete with evil-looking
green eyes, sits back and observes the proceedings.

Gig endings - "Thank you, good-night!"


Molotov Bitch

Incomplete, played over closing credits

We Eat Rhythm (Jungle Mix)

Played over closing credits

Making of Poison

Short film

ELECTRONIC PUNKS includes some stupid footage of Prodigy. Here are some images:

Keith in St Lucia, making Voodoo People video, advertising the benefits of Mighty Foam detergent
Keith in St Lucia, making Voodoo People video, advertising the benefits of Mighty Foam detergent 2
Keith on a ski-lift 'looking natural'
Keith in his house, going mad
Keith on ski-lift, grinning
Leeroy 02
In A Garden

This is a unofficial Prodigy video, called EVOLUTION:

This video haven't got official videos of Prodigy. Only interviews.